Saturday, May 5, 2012


After a long wet winter with days spent lounging around the wood stove, my prayer was answered just before I switched religions: Apple blossoms appeared on this very old tree planted by Ignatz Knapke, my predecessor by generations, when he was selling fruit and vegetables to gold miners. This was early 1900s. A pear tree and peach tree still exist.

Mother earth is exploding with wildflowers in every shade and combination of colors while the bare limbed oaks and maples are suddenly clothed in bright green leaves.

Oh, so inspiring! I dig out the  directions on how to take close-ups on my camera--but haven't got around to reading it. Here is my attempt to fudge it:

Red Lilac from original homestead early 1900s
A new space overlooking the river.

  Hidden in the tall grass is this clump of erigeron composites (I think)

Fortunately, I mowed around this beautiful red tulip planted by ___? Below is a scattering of tiny yellow flowers that give way to tiny pink flowers covering the meadow.

Meadow Cabin front yard
Foliage is just one backdrop. This mossy rock is to the side of the bridge
Rosemary and white lilac in front of House of Poo
Time to watch the trees grow